Sunday, February 14, 2010

You are my song

Well I know I havent updated my blog in a long time but here is something I wrote during worship the other day I wanted to share with you all...and maybe I will write some more on here again.

You are my rock song nothing gets me as high as you
You are my love song nothing pierces my heart like you
You are my pop song nothing gets me moving like you
You are my country song nothing gets me to say yeehaw like you
You are my classical song nothing soothes me like you
You are my lullaby nothing gives me peace like you
You are my childrens song nothing gives me faith like you
Ultimetly you are my worship song...worthy of all my worship
You are the words and the music, everything that makes the song is you
You are the song
You are my song

Just hope everyone is doing great...I am doing awesome here in Montreal...its been a great transition and its almost been two years...everyday exciting things happen and I am just stoked to see what God has for me next.