Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Adventures = New Perspective

Ok I know I have said this before but this time its for real I am gonna start blogging again. I always think nothing new happens in my life why should I blog all the time and what not but new things are always happening. If different things didnt happen every day we wouldnt grow.

So the biggest new thing tho is I joined a running club. I have been running with a friend and on my own at times and realized I really like it. Also I am not that bad at it. So I wanted to become a runner and get better and go farther with it. So I joined this group and we have a coach and everything and its intense. I enjoy every minute of it even when I am in pain. I love being pushed sometimes its annoying in the moment but at the end I am like that was good...I am glad the coach pushed me...even tho I normally feel like I am goin to die. I always try new things and then quit and then try somethin else and then quit. But this is something I found I like and am ok at and I dont want to quit this. Its in the keeping going where we find perseverance and determintation. Also running gives you a high...a natural high. I love it so much I love the feeling of getting a new personal record and I love the feeling of all my muscles screaming at me to stop and I keep pushing. I just love it. I have been sleeping much better and more happy since I started running...and when I run on my own there is more time for me to talk to God and just get closer to Him.

I am not sure if this is a natural talent I have always had or even have but I do love running and honestly cant wait for my first race. I biked 50km in the freezing rain on a thing called Tour de L'ile I can certanitly do anything now I believe. So my advice to you all is...if you have something you want to do and just thought you never could or your too old or whatever it is...just do it...just try because its ok to long as you get back up again...and to try is not to fail but its not trying thats just go for it. I cant wait to see what God does in all your lives. I will update you more on my adventure I am inspired by something bigger then me and need to share it with the world.

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