Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dreams do come true!

Well everyone I had a great day. Today marked a new chapter in my life. I graduated college. You see in high school it was something I was never interested in I didnt want to go to I took three years off. Then after that I went to the Medicine Hat College and embarked on a new journey one that I thought was going to be easy. Well wasnt as easy as I had thought but it was a good trip. Some people try to tell me it was an easy program and that it wasnt as important as becoming a doctor but you know....I am still proud of it. This program was a two year program and it is called Early Childhood Development. It was fun and I learned a lot for the most part when I went to class...and when I stayed awake and payed for the two days in the entire two years that happend I learned a lot...ha ha just kidding I payed attention for more then two days. But anyways the odds were against me and graduating college was only a dream that I thought I would never attain but I did. And it was great. So all you people in high school who thought that I would never make it....I did! A dream came true today. Also thank you for those of you who came to my grad it really meant a lot to me. I really wanted to celebrate it with my friends who stuck by me through the whole thing...thanks guys. Also to those who remembered about me this day thank you for everything the cards and the flowers...I didnt expect it all I wanted was to be in good company but I got that and more. I am truly thankful. I am now a Childcare Professional and I am going to do this job as best as I can. Thank you God for this gift and the chance to go to school and a chance to beat the odds.


JP said...

That's awesome stuff Nikki! It was great to see you grad, to be done when those words people spoke were against you. you've done it! and now it's time to move on to greater things and see all God has for you in store!

Dawn said...

Nikki... geuss what? You CAN do ANYTHING! I truly believe that with all my heart! geuss what again? I love you! I am SOOOO proud of you! Blessings!

Sarah said...

You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you

Adventures of a Girl said...

Nicole, you made me proud forsure. Way to prove people wrong. I am sure you will impact many lives!


SJ said...

here here to the best damn child/parent looker aftererrrr ever.

And here's to all the crap dumb people in high school like to say about people that simply isn't true.

And don't forget to check out the post time on this. It's almost 10:10 and i'm on coffee break from 10 till 10:30 so i'm not even doing this when I should be working :P

Congrats again, and keep on trucken, I know you got bigger dreams yet to come.


Jelea said...

very nice, it was so awesome to go to your made me want to go back to school, for many reasons! it sounded like an acceptance speech, it was coolio. you are going to have huge things come your way, enjoy them all!

Anonymous said...

Go BACK to school? I just threw up in my mouth....

JP said...

So Jello, you want to go back for MORE than just scenary?? Teachers too?