Saturday, March 25, 2006

I need HELP(not that kind of help)

Ok I know I have blogged jsut recently but I have a problem and I need to tell someone. This is a huge problem and its taking over my life. I am pretty sure that it is the main reason why I cant sleep at night. And therefore the reason I am sick all the time. I dont know what to do about the problem and I am having troubles talking about it. Its pretty much takin over my thought life. Ok here it goes....I am addicted to blogging and blogging comments. All I think about all day is if someone commented on my blog or if someone replied to a comment I left on someone else's blog. I crave the blogs and I cant get off them. I get up in the morning and the first thing I do is check my blog and my friends blogs. When is the madness going to stop. I know you are proabably laughing right now but this is a serous problem. It's as serouis as Josh's obesity problem. I get so excited when there are more comments then the last time I checked like five minutes ago. And the sad thing is I think my friends are falling for the blogging world soon they also will be trapped and under its death grip. I dunno how to get out...I guess I will be blogging forever. Well I am out all pray for me.


Dawn said...

As serious as Josh's obesity problem? WOAH! THIS IS SERIOUS! I think that you should call 9-1-1 and be taken for treatment ASAP! lol... perhaps you could eventually get checked into the Dawn house of rehab in may for a coupple of days! yes! I am already commited to that rehab facility 24/7... yeah, mine is that bad! Hopefully you wont need more than a coupple of days~ lol Be blessed, Dawn
P.S. Yeah, they let me out of that lovable white coat that makes you hug yourself for 10 min so i could comment!

JP said...

nice touch! I would appreciate it if you didn't tell everyone I struggle with obesity - its a touchy subject. And as for the blogging world? It's just like anything else that's brand new.. it's a fad, but wears off. And it will, in it's own time.

Dawn said...

Josh... seriously dude... its time to get some help! We can support you in this! Obesity CAN be just got to believe!

Nicole said...

Yes Josh we are all friends...its safe here. You can talk to us. Together we will do this.

JP said...

*tears* (the following is said with a sulking voice, the kind where you try and talk when you're bawling your eyes out) thank.. you.. so much you guys... this is.. so .. hard....

Dawn said...

Andrea there is always a place at Dawns rehab just for you!

Nicole said...

That is true he does have that problem he always wants to tackle me or put me in a head lock its really sad. But he is probably trying to cover up is obestiy problem

Dawn said...

yeah... where i was gone for a bit there... it was actually because i got trapped in Josh's fat roll~

Nicole said...

HA HA HA thats awesome I love it. You know what the four of us have to hang out sometime and and tape record ourselves. Just the four of us you know how much fun we would have. LOL

JP said...

.... why do you hate me.. will someone show me love? God? Throw me a bone here...

Nicole said...

Awwww Josh I told you I love you *hugs for Josh*

Dawn said...

*all three of us girls hold hands to reach around josh to give him a hug*

Nicole said...

The real world is overrated. I like Nikki land better

D. said...

Nikki, I feel your pain. First HTS, and now this?!?!?!?! The hopes and prayers of all of us are with you now and in the future. You can fight this!!

Oh yeah, and Jishwa? Try to cut down on the doughnuts and fries. I heard they're thinkin of giving you your own postal code. ;)

Dawn said...

18000pts for Derek and that amazing comment! Seriously, top notch!

Nicole said...

Thats fricken amazing derek you get another 1000pts from me for that comment.