Saturday, March 11, 2006

thoughts in my head

Running my own life is the way I like it...crawling on the ground looking for a safe where looks safe at this point...wanting to keep the ball in my court...afraid what will happen if I give up all control...wearing chains and not wanting to give them up...trapped in my own mind tells me I am not good enough and to just give up...this isnt the life I imagined...this is isnt my dreams coming true...will it ever happen for me...will I get out of this trap...I made my bed and now I have to lie in it...crawiling on the ground looking for a safe place...cant do this on my own anymore...but I still want control...its my life isnt it...its my world...I can do it on my own...the control belongs to me...not ready to give it up...gonna keep it for awhile...lost and losing control...cant find my way home...


Dawn said...

hmmm.... once you realize that the control was never yours in the first place... perhaps then you can stop striving and clining and start living.... there si somthing missing here. Your friends, your God. We can't force you to stand, but we are there to lend a hand if you so choose~ Sometimes... we have to give up what we want in order to get what we need, we may not like it, we may not want to do it, but we force ourselves to do it anyway... start with day one, i am too! I love you! Be blessed, you WILL get through this!

JP said...

I honestly don't know what to say... but at least wanted to write SOME sort of comment...

D. said...

I'm with Josh. But just remember, even when it seems like its hard to give up control, when you give up your control to God, the results are always waayy better!! Be Blessed...

Dawn said...

the pictures of the spoons.... what an amazing game! i love spoons!.... i lik the pic of all of you piled on one another trying to get a spoon! Hopefully nobody got too hurt! BE BLESSED!muchlov for my sis, Dawn
P.S. you know who would have won if I was there! (emphasis on "I")ROFL

JP said...

I would have still won, u frick.