Saturday, December 23, 2006

You ass wipe

Ok so its about 1:40am and I am still up and have to be up early tomorrow...but I have had a great night....I hung out with old friends that I havent hung out with in forever and we laughed to our sides hurt it was you remember the days when you would play the card game President aka Asshole forever...well we did that tonight let me explan our night.

It all started with some supper at BP's...Jelea, Kurtis and I went to BP's we had some yummy food and talked to our friend Kayla who works there it was good...then Kayla is like I want to bake a cake and well you all know what I did...I got super excited and was like Jelea, Kurtis and I were off to wal-mart...yes we know how dangerous it is for Jelea and I to go to wal-mart together but Kurtis was there our voice of reason...we bought some movies that we didnt watch and cake and we headed back to my house and waited for Kayla to get off work...we had some fun watchin tv...then Kayla came over and we watched more tv till it was almost eleven and we decided to make this we made cupcakes mmm team effort well one team member didnt do their part....the instructions said three eggs and Kayla had put two in...I didnt notice untill they were in the oven and I had looked at the container and only two were missing not three...ohh well they were we decided to play our card game at my kitchen table good times...we played it forever...calling each other names and cards were flying and it was throat now hurts...and I am wide awake...and we now call each other ass wipes so yeah.

Anyways old friends that I havent hung out with in forever mainly cause they have been gone and life happens...but it was great to be with them once again...we said a lot of remember whens...I love those...and we bonded like we have never before...this was an interesting mix but I loved it...we need to do it again sometime...well its almost 2am and I have to get up soon but I think I am goin to watch a movie so have a great weekend all...and dont forget be yourself...I tried somethin new tonight...being me with my old friends whom I used to wear a mask around...I love it...and I love all my friends....goodnight

1 comment:

Jelea said...

i just love the title. it covers the whole night i think!! :)