1 Timothy 2:9-15 (New American Standard Bible)
9Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, 10but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. 11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.
Ok so what does this verse actually mean? Can women preach in church on Sundays…that is the real question…I want to know your opinion…here is what I think….yes women should preach in church or where ever God tells them to…now if you tell me that God does not tell them to I don’t think you can say that cause you don’t know what God is speakin to others…and the same is the jobs women have as factory workers, farmers, doctors, dentists, lawyers and so on…if we cant preach then we cant do those jobs cause originally those were mens jobs…now you are going to tell me that times have changed and women can now do those things…yes they can and women can preach…why is this such a conterversial subject…Jesus said 19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (New American Standard Bible)…he didn’t say ok men now go and preach the gospel and women make supper and take care of the kids…that’s all you can do…nope did not say that….now why you ask am I thinking of this…because its come up and its something stuck in my head as something even my generation believes as truth…I believe that has a religious spirit all over it….yes this is goin to make some people mad but you know what…I like controversy…and I like my Jesus….women can preach….God is in their words…God is here…and He is relevant…so that is what I have to say…now don’t get me wrong I am not judging I am looking for what you think…you are entitled to your beliefs…but its time for this to not be such a big deal…if God has called these women to preach he has called them to preach we cant argue with Him…think outside the box…and stop putting God in a box…He is about change…if you think this then go back to wearing skirts and long hair and braiding it cause it also says that in the bible and you know maybe braiding you’re hair will get you into heaven…..just so you know I wont care what you say on my blog I want honest opinions and I am ok if its against mine…I like to hear people’s thoughts….I don’t judge and I will still like you its ok…maybe I should be quiet I might not be listenin to God's word...maybe I am not goin to heaven cause I dont braid my hair....hmmm….what do you say?
I think you need to look at the culture Paul was writing to, then women were possessions and had no legal right or cultural context to speak (teach) into the lives of men (who ran the world). In our culture, women can be leaders and are, but in most church cultures, there are few men who will sit willingly under the instruction of a woman. Doesn't mean women can't be preachers, and some are definitely called to be (ie Joyce Meyers) but how successful (in the world's eyes) they will be is very iffy. Joyce has a dedicated following, but more women than men. Is a woman's ministry less important if she does not take the pulpit on Sunday morning? Women are vital to the relationship building thatgoes into sharing Christ with others.
If you really want to be literal with this male female thing, does the verse "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation", then mean that only men are made new in Christ? :)
Well i'm going to go ahead and wade in.
Personaly I don't see a problem with it. I did a little digging on women preaching, and I found lots of sites that said they shouldn't, and quoted the basicly 1 scripture that nicole did. But I kept searching and I found this article that I think had some good things to say, so here is the URL. http://www.geocities.com/chogrefmov/article220.html
That's my 2 cents.
For as much as I tease, I believe that women belong everywhere that men do.
Girl Power!!
i'm a woman. i preach. if you don't like it don't listen.
um, ya...haha, so i wrote a paper on this topic for school. if you're ever interested in reading it let me know. It has some good insight i got from a magazine article over the original writing of that scripture in Timothy.
It's actually something i had never heard before and found it interesting. So ya.
good blog. don't braid your hair...i don't think it would compliment you. jk....haha. love ya.
i agree with the first comment that was made...that piece scripture is totally based on "the times"..i have had a discusion about this with alot of people cause i was going to become a pastor and my senior pastor was a woman...and i dont think that woman have any less of right to preach than a man does...i have preached many times before and i dont think that i was less anoited or out of place cause i am gurl...i think that 1 Timothy 2:9-15 is one of those verses that we have to do alittle research on before we make a conclusion or a judgement...its kinda like in Matthew somewhere Jesus talks about if your eye causes you to sin then cut it out...He didnt really mean cut it out..(even though some people have gone to that extreme eek)...but on alot of scripture we have to look at it more intently..and ask questions about things like this...good blog nikki... :)
*sighs*.. I can't believe people actually take this literally... ridiculous... women are just as equal as men. we've got our different roles to play, but it's just another addition to the body of Christ. God help me if I cross someone who is as stubborn to believe the value of a woman is less than a man... good lord, give your head a shake..
people need to focus their attention on REAL matters.. let's see... hungry, poor, dying world... orrrrr... women shouldn't speak. Pull your head out of your @$$, we got work to do.
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